Barut Hotels
Barut Club

World's Best Blue Hotel Tui Blue Barut Andız

12 МАРТА 2025 Г.
World's Best Blue Hotel TUI Blue Barut Andız

Two Prestigious Awards for TUI BLUE Barut Andız

The adult only hotel TUI Blue Barut Andız was recognised as the best TUI Blue hotel worldwide. Barut Andız also ranked first in TUI UK and Ireland.

TUI Blue Barut Andız received two important awards from TUI. TUI Blue Barut Andız, which won the Best TUI BLUE and Best Hotel of TUI UK and Ireland awards with the votes of TUI guests, has recognised its service quality with the awards it received.

TUI Blue Barut Andız Hotel Manager Savaş Sevinçli said, ‘We owe these awards to the vision of our Board of Directors and the service provided by our colleagues. We are in contact with our guests from the moment they step into the hotel until their departure day. We touch their feelings. Thus, we offer them an unforgettable holiday.’

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